uploads/mona lisa.jpg

mona lisa 蒙娜麗莎〔意大利畫家達芬奇 (Leonardo da V...


You can see his melon - sized head on the shoulders of austin powers , or as jackie chan , marilyn monroe - even the mona lisa 你可以看到他的臉出現在諸如王牌大賤諜,成龍,瑪麗蓮?夢露,甚至蒙娜麗莎肩膀上。

It is theorized that leonardo da vinci painted his own profile along the boarder of the veil on the face of the mona lisa 在這一理論中,萊昂那多?達?芬奇沿著蒙娜?麗莎臉上的面紗邊緣來刻畫他自己的肖像。

What we can teach is how to “ hold a brush ” , but it is you , who should paint “ mona lisa ” and become “ leonardo da vinci ” 你可以學到的是:拿畫筆的方法。只有自己描繪蒙娜麗莎,你才能成為達芬奇。

The louvre in paris is a great museum for art lovers . you can see famous paintings such as the mona lisa there 巴黎的羅浮宮對藝術愛好者來說是很棒的博物館。在那里可以看到像蒙娜麗莎那樣著名的畫。

But there is one work which , perhaps more than any other , expresses the spirit of the renaissance : the mona lisa 但可能有一部作品,比其它任何作品都能更表現文藝復興的精神,那就是《蒙娜麗莎》 。

While the central zone of observer is on eyes of mona lisa , the “ peripheral zone ” will happen to be on her mouth 當觀察者眼睛的中心區在蒙娜麗莎的眼睛上時, “外圍區”視線會落在她的嘴上。

Overweight and obese women are less likely than normal - weight women to keep breastfeeding their in mona lisa . mona lisa , the myste 為了慶祝這一節日,雙語新聞欄目特奉獻“女人,你幸福嗎? ”

The mona lisa club with beautiful views and quiet surroundings is at the - 1f of phoenix city hotel 蒙娜麗莎俱樂部位于酒店負一層,環境幽雅,裝修高貴典雅,擁有十八間風格各異的ktv包房。

Mona lisa d . tucker , “ china and india : friends or foes ? ” air & space power journal , fall , 2003 日本雄谷潤一: 《 50年后世界經濟大國是中國與印度》 ,載《經濟學人》 2004年10月11日。

An italian doctor says he has discovered the secret to mona lisa ' s enigmatic smile a compulsive gnashing of teeth 一位意大利醫生認為蒙娜?麗莎神秘的微笑來自她強迫性磨牙的習慣。

The mona lisa is one of the greatest works of art in the world . surely it ' s an example of divine inspiration 蒙娜麗莎這幅畫絕對是世界上偉大的藝術品之一。可謂神來之筆。

A few years ago , a picture of mona lisa was made out of slices of bread baked to different colours 幾年前,一幅《蒙娜?麗莎》的畫是用烘焙成不同顏色的面包片做成的。

“ all doubts as to the identity of the mona lisa are eliminated ( by ) one source , “ the university said 海德堡大學稱: “這個發現解開了所有有關蒙娜麗莎身份的謎團。 ”

Doctor joseph baulkaffsky from maryland usa holds belief : “ mona lisa doesn ' t smile at all 美國馬里蘭州的約瑟夫? ?鮑考夫斯基博士認為: “蒙娜麗莎壓根就沒有笑。

The mona lisa ' s pupils line up to where leonardo ' s pupil would be if it were drawn 蒙娜?麗莎的瞳孔和萊昂那多的剛好持平,當然,前提條件是他的瞳孔得畫在上面。

“ almost everyone knows the painting , mona lisa , but not everyone knows of its bizarre history 每個人都知道蒙娜?麗莎這幅畫,可是并非人人了解她的離奇的歷史。

A print of the mona lisa combined with the kate moss work fetched more than 50 , 000 這幅融合蒙娜莉莎和凱特?摩斯相貌特征的畫像最后的成交價超過了5萬英鎊。

The mona lisa turned up after about a year and a half in the shop of an antique dealer in italy 約一年半之后,蒙娜?麗莎出現在意大利的一家古董店里。

“ people always wrote that the mona lisa had allowed her hair to hang freely over her shoulders 他說, “人們總是說原先蒙娜麗莎像是頭發披散至肩的。